Thursday, August 7, 2014

New Perspective

I am finally in the home due date is less than 3 weeks away. After my meltdown last Tuesday (which was the subject of my previous post) things have been really great. I am so excited to meet our little girl. Up to this point, I really was just excited not to be pregnant anymore, but now that she is almost here I really can't wait to meet her! (although I am still excited to not be pregnant too, ha!)

I decided to go back to doing our normal daily Crossfit classes instead of the extra competitive lifting. It really has given me what I need. I feel good, I am not discouraged by the things that are limiting me and I am still getting an awesome workout every day. I am proud to say this week I even completed a workout doing pull ups still so I think I may just reach my goal of being able to do them through my entire pregnancy. Yesterday we had a workout that including power snatches (which I do from the hang position) and running. I was looking forward to getting some running in since I haven't done a whole lot lately. That is until I got about 100 meters into my first 400 meter run. I felt good in terms of breathing (I was jogging pretty slow so I wasn't breathing really hard) and I wasn't feeling too hot, but I felt like I was going to have a baby while I was running. The pressure was so great in my pelvis that I had to bike in place of running the last 2 rounds. This actually came as a surprise because the day before I completed an entire workout that had double unders in it and did not feel this at all.

I continue to be able to overhead squat fairly heavy. It takes me a little more time to get my balance and my squats are slower to keep my balance but I still managed 7 x 2 at 125 lbs. I have heard from a couple of pregnant cross fitters that they went into labor soon after overhead squatting so maybe it will help her come sooner rather than later?

At my doctor visit this week I actually lost 4 pounds from last week, which I thought was a little strange but my doctor didn't say anything about it. This pregnancy has been really different in terms of my weight fluctuation. I gained a lot more in the beginning, then went for a long stretch of not gaining or losing a little, and then started gaining again. As of yesterday I was up exactly 25 pounds, which is where I was when I delivered my first. I am only dilated to a one so the chances of her coming this week aren't too good, but that's alright, I would rather wait until my mom is here to help out with my daughter.

I love this video just posted on the Crossfit hq Facebook site about pregnant women crossfitting. It really shows the positive influence Crossfit can have on women and their babies through pregnancy. I love seeing stuff like this because it is really what inspired me to write about my experience and hopefully motivate others to continue their own journey of healthy living through pregnancy.

I finally decided to do some maternity photos. We are a little late being 37 weeks in these but better late than never!

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