Thursday, June 19, 2014

Due any day?

A word to the wise, don't ask a pregnant woman if she is due any day? Or even worse, after she says, "no, I still have 2 months left" don't follow up with "it doesn't look like you can get any bigger".  That was what a woman at work asked me last week.  I'm not the sensitive type so in a way I find it kind of funny, but really? I know my belly is huge, but yes it is going to get even bigger!

After the Open I was really starting to feel better and my workouts were pretty good since I have accepted that the norm for metcons (cardio) is pretty slow. One thing that I have done is take a more positive approach to my training in the sense that, when in my life will I ever get to train with 20 extra pounds on a daily basis? The answer is never since this will be my last pregnancy. (Yes I am sure of it, I will be scheduling Jarod's appointment before I return to work, haha!) I really started focusing on strict bodyweight strength, doing ring dips and pull ups. I was down to 5 strict pull ups and 4 strict ring dips around week 25-29, but once that 20+ lbs is gone they are going to feel easy right?

By the way, when I say 20+ lbs, that was another sore spot for me. I went in for my 23 week appointment and I already weighed more than I did when I gave birth to my first! I know that I started this pregnancy 3 lbs heavier, but I still had 17 weeks to go! My doctor and Jarod kept trying to reassure me that I was right on track. Dr. said I would be the last person she would worry about, but it did make me take a step back and look at my diet. After all, I had done a bit of emotional eating and wasn't exactly saying no to all of the crap that people put in front of me at the office lately. I decided that I needed to be more careful about my sugar intake and started sticking to my paleo eating since I always feel better when I do. When my 27 week appointment came up I had actually lost 3 lbs. My doctor asked me if I was eating enough because she knew how mortified I was last time I stepped on the scale. I assured her that the weight I had gained last time was not all for the baby, a good chunk of it was due to eating more carbs and sugar than my body was used to. I felt much better now that I was eating like I normally do.

At week 26 it was max deadlift week. I hadn't even tried to max any lifts since I found out I was pregnant and really didn't intend to that day either. I came in early since I missed the day before and coach Chris asked me if I was going to max out since he saw me going through the normal max lift warm-up progressions. I said, probably not, I am just going to see how I feel. My main concern with lifting heavy is holding my breath for long periods so the reps need to be fairly quick compared to a normal max effort deadlift. That day I ended up with a PR on my deadlift by 30 lbs, fairly easily lifting 270 lbs. I stopped there just because I didn't want the lift to get slow and hold my breath. What the heck? I have been working hard but maybe you get some crazy hormones that help when you're pregnant? As I said in my previous post, I read quite a bit about crossfit and pregnancy on the internet and I see all of the comments people make. Most are supportive but
about 25% of them are along the lines of "you are selfish", "you must not care about your baby", "that is irresponsible" and so on. I will end by saying I love my baby very much and I think one day she will be proud of her mama for how strong she is. Here is a picture of my max lift, I really don't ever post pregnancy pictures to Facebook but since that is the subject of my blog I figured, why not?

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