Thursday, July 3, 2014


Fran....a classic or should I say "THE" classic crossfit benchmark workout. I still remember my first couple of times doing Fran which is 21-15-9 of Thursters at 65# and pull ups. I remember how hard the round of 15 was b/c I burned myself out in the round of 21. I think it took me until my third attempt to realize it wasn't smart to do all 21 or as many pull ups as you could unbroken in the first round. I knew she would come again at some point in my pregnancy. We usually give her a go every 4-6 months. I have thought about whether it would be a good idea to do Fran when she came up b/c although she is short (my best time is 4:47 last September) she takes a lot out of you! Would I be able to "listen to my body" which I still sometimes struggle to do? If I feel OK tomorrow I am going to give her a go. Being this heavy (I am now 153 lbs or +25 from my starting weight) I will likely fail in strength quickly on the pull up bar, which will allow me to keep my heart rate in check.  I have no idea what time to expect but I suppose if I could get through her in around 8 minutes, that would be pretty good.  I will let you know in my next update how it goes!

I am nearing 33 weeks and have really felt like I have slowed down this past week. I am feeling really tired and so hot! Every day it has been nearing 110 degrees and when you have your own furnace growing inside of you, 110 feels like 120. I have still managed to get my workouts in but my body just feels slow. The one thing that keeps me going is the alternative to going in and working out is staying at home and falling further behind in my training. Right now I may not be able to make gains but I do feel like I am maintaining, which will help out a lot when it is time to return from having this baby.

I have an ultrasound coming up this week. I am a little worried b/c I have been measuring exactly on track up until my last appointment. My doctor said my belly was measuring smaller, which could mean a number of things. It could mean nothing, it could me that fluid levels are too low, or she isn't growing as quickly as she should. My doctor did not seem too concerned so I have tried not to concern myself too much either but anytime something is slightly "off" I do worry that I am doing everything right for my baby girl.

Some highlights this week:
-I was able to do GHD raises, which I wasn't sure if I would be able to with the extra weight and I hadn't done them in months
-Squats still felt good, I did 185 lbs for 5 reps
-Not necessarily a highlight but I completed Fight Gone Bad RX for 285 reps. I was gassed.
-I feel like she is dropping a little (maybe she will arrive on time or a little early???)
-It was a short work week and we get a long weekend, Happy Independence Day!

Some not so highs this week:
-I continue to struggle with Jerks and Push Presses. Despite my increased mobility I still feel pain when doing these movements. It has nothing to do with being pregnant, they are just hard for me.
-2K row took me 8:33, I can't wait to get my endurance back!
-I got my first leg cramp at night of this pregnancy. I got them during my first pregnancy but haven't had them this time until the other night. Despite drinking 100 oz of water in the day, I still got one and it was excruciating. I think Jarod thought I was going into labor b/c of the ridiculous noises I was making b/c the pain was so bad. He stretched my foot to extend my calf and even he had a hard time doing moving my foot because it was so tense. I put some deep blue on and that took care of it. I keep it by my bed now so if I feel any cramping coming on I put it on and I haven't had one since then. Deep Blue is the bomb!

GHD Raises with 25 Extra LBS

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