Wednesday, July 16, 2014

When will your last workout be?

As my due date approaches I get asked more and more often, "how much longer are you going to workout?" When I first heard this, my initial reaction was "when I have the baby I will take a break." I have always imagined working out to up until the day I give birth. Even with my first before I ever started Crossfit, I hiked the mountains by our house the day I gave birth. I have learned not to set your mind in stone on anything when it comes to giving birth but what I can say is my answer now is, I will take a break if one of 3 things happen.

1. I give birth
2. My body tells me to stop
3. My doctor tells me to stop

I have been thinking about the days and weeks after this baby comes. I am not sure how long of a break I will take but I am hoping to start some light activity a couple of weeks after if I have a natural birth like I hope to. I am just trying to figure out how to not go crazy taking 2 to 3 weeks (or more if I am not feeling up to it) off from physical activity?

As my due date nears, my patience is wearing. I don't always sleep well, I have a hard time getting comfortable, and my energy levels vary a lot from day to day. This week I had some really good workouts and also some crummy ones. On a high note I overhead squatted 130 lbs for 3 reps and did 21-15-9 of 75# hang power cleans and burpees in 4:30, however my burpees are not RX, I have to put my hands on rogue blocks to avoid my belly getting to the ground. On a low note, my shoulders are still feeling bad, and felt worse on my push jerks so I decided I am going to take at least a week off on the shoulders to see if that will help. I have been trying to fight through it because I know I will have some weeks off starting next month, but I know that it is smart to take a break now.

My belly has dropped quite a bit this week. I really struggle to get the barbell all the way to the ground on deadlifts. I have been doing them but I'm not as fast and not doing as much weight with them.

Speaking of belly dropping, that brings a whole new problem, a lot of my shirts are getting too short. Haha #pregnancyproblems.

Less than 6 weeks to go!

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